Slide Metropol Courses

It conducts preparation courses for YÖS-SAT-TÖMER exams in the field of foreign student admission.
Slide Metropol Publications

It provides book and publishing services for the preparation of foreign students for YÖS-SAT-TÖMER exams.
Slide Metropol Educational Consultancy

It provides consultancy services, including application, guidance and preparation, on student admission from abroad and studying abroad.
Slide Our Education News Portal in Turkey

It is our exam portal that conducts international exams for foreign students in different countries.
Slide Metropol YÖS Exams

It is our exam portal that conducts international exams for foreign students in different countries.

Metropol Publications

YÖS, SAT preparation and TÖMER (Turkish for Foreigners) publications

Metropol- YÖS-SAT-TÖMER Courses

Our brand which contains courses for YÖS (Exam for Foreign Students), SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) and TÖMER (Turkish for Foreigners), the most preferred exams by Foreign Students, provides service for thousands of students in branches within Turkey and abroad since 1995.

  • Groups formed for different time periods and student levels.
  • A wide range of publications consisting of hundreds of thousands of questions, prepared with various contents.
  • Exam guidance studies planned together with psychological and vocational counseling.

Metropol Study in Turkey Portal

Getting Information and news portal for foreign students


Metropol Eğitim Kurumları 1995 yılından bugüne YÖS ve SAT sınavlarına hazırlık alanlarında, aynı zamanda yabancı uyruklu öğrencilere Türkçe öğretimi (TÖMER) alanında düzenlediği kurslar, yayıncılık faaliyetleri ve danışmanlık hizmetleri ile yüz binlerce öğrencinin geleceğine yön vermesine katkıda bulunmuş; farklı alanlardaki bir çok kamu kurumuna ve özel kuruluşa eğitim alanında hizmet vererek uzmanlaşmış, edindiği kurumsal kimliği ile yurt içi ve yurt dışında birçok merkezde şubeleri bulunan uluslararası bir eğitim kurumları zinciridir.

Equality, Scientificity, Institutionalism, Modernity, Productivity, Participation, Leadership, Innovation and Solidarity.

In addition to meeting the professional and academic expectations, contributing to the development of an education and training understanding based on scientific values with a productive and sharing approach.

Being and internationally respected Institution that can meet individual and corporate expectations by performing high level education and training along with qualified guidance and consultancy services.





Metropol Educational Consultancy

Our Institution offers application, preference, guidance and logistics consultancy services in the field of Foreign Student Admission and Study Abroad

Education in Turkey

Consultancy services for foreign students in Turkey regarding application and admission procedures of primary and secondary schools, application-preference procedures with YÖS-SAT exams and international diploma for associate and undergraduate programs and application procedures for postgraduate and doctoral programs

Foreign Education

Consultancy services for application and admissions to secondary education institutions in Europe and America, associate degree, undergraduate and doctorate programs of universities, language schools in different countries of the world, summer school programs and learn & travel and work & travel programs

Educational Coaching

Guidance and psychological supporting service consultancy on many issues such as students self-recognition, personality and skills analysis, future and career planning, time planning, concentration and motivation for students aiming to study in Turkey or abroad or for students continuing their education

Educational Logistics

Consultancy services in the fields of transfer, transport, accommodation, local procedures, student visa-residence permission and all official and administrative procedures along with interpretership for foreign students who will study in Turkey or for all students who will study abroad

Metropol YÖS Exams

Our portal that organizes Foreign Student Exams in different countries internationally


Metropol Culture Publications

Our Institution offering publishing services nationally and internationally on science and technology, engineering, arts,
social sciences, language and culture, literature, history, philosophy, economy, politics, law,
personal development, tourism, music, sports and academic issues in Turkish and other languages

Our Branches